The troop has a campout planned for the weekend of November 1-3. Cost for the Campout will be $20. We will be going exploring the Shiloh National Military Park in TN by way of a 10 mile orienteering course. It will be a great opportunity to learn about the History of the park and our country, as well as satisfy some advancement requirements for some scouts. We are really looking forward to it.
We really need to nail down the headcount on Monday. Please make sure to come to the meeting on Monday with the campout fee.
Please make sure that your Scouts pack appropriately.
In addition to the normal gear the boys pack on a campout, they will need to bring the following – A Day pack with: o Water bottle o Ten Essentials – please reference your scout book o Compass if they have one o Notebook and pen o Sunscreen o Bug spray o Hat o Camera if desired, o Any additional snacks desired
Scouts will be able to use their phones for pictures only during the hike. Otherwise, they will be secured with the leaders.
We are camping in an area that most likely will not have spaces for hammock camping so be prepared to Camp in a tent.
We plan to roll out from the church Friday, Nov 1 @ 6:15pm. It is a 2 hour drive so please make sure Scouts are at the church no later than 6pm. Please make sure your Scout is fed before arriving. We will be traveling in Leader Vehicles. Please Make sure your scouts wear their Class A’s
Pick up from the church will be at 1pm on Sunday Nov 3 unless otherwise notified.
We are looking forward to this weekend.
Thank you
Benjamin Stepp